I don’t want pain anymore

why should I continue to go through pain? why are there still tears running down these beautiful cheeks? as if I forgot who I am. I am the child of my Father the I AM. Am I not called to be happy and to always rejoice in the Lord?

Why do I allow the actions of others to hurt me, why do I allow people’s words to break me, why do I allow the lies of the enemy to trouble my heart and poison the atmosphere. Isn’t it better to only listen to the voice of the Lord, Yes, of course, it’s way more beneficial.  That i know, but at times the lies of the enemy are so loud, it’s like he locked himself in my ears.

Pain doesn’t come from God or from the people around us, pain comes from the enemy. He comes to kill, steal and destroy.

  • The enemy comes to kill your love for others

  • to steal your joy 

  • destroy happiness.

The only pain worth feeling is the pain of our brothers, sisters and neighbor’s lost soul, praying that they find and accept christ, living the life planned for them.

My prayer is that everyone and myself keep on having faith, fighting the good fight with Jesus and to always rejoice in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Philippians 4:4

Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again: Rejoice 

Published by bertahenry

Simply a follower of JESUS Christ

7 thoughts on “I don’t want pain anymore

  1. I’m proud of you my sis continue to let God inspire you to write those beautiful et powerful things «poems » to encourage ppl
    God bless you
    And keep on fighting the right fight
    For the lord Jesus Christ is your strength ♥️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I am so proud of you..it thrills my heart to see how you girls have grown to be such beautiful souls ..Jehovah’s blessings.


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